Thank you very much for visiting my webpage! Here, you can find a brief introduction about me.


I hold a doctoral degree (D.Sc. in Technology) from Aalto University, Department of Mechanical Engineering (previously known as Department of Applied Mechanics) and was awarded Docentship in Mechanical Engineering by Interuniversity Council of Turkey.


I am IDRE Fellow at University of California, Los Angeles and Research Fellow at Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering. Previously, I have been previously working as postdoctoral researcher at Aalto University, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems and Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at University of California, Los Angeles.


I am interested in the research fields related to

  • Micromechanical and multiscale modeling of cellular core, fibrous and fiber reinforced composite materials,

  • Constitutive material implementations for finite element methods by using Abaqus vectorized user material (VUMAT) subroutines,

  • Material reconstruction for solution domain to be used for solid characterization and fluid-structure interactions.

  • Strain measurements by means of image processing techniques (e.g. digital image correlation (DIC)),

  • Advanced manufacturing methods for biobased composite materials, biomaterials and printed electronics,

  • Machine learning algorithms for materials characteristics predictions.